Category Animation

Transformers One

On Cybertron, a futuristic planet home to powerful robots known as Transformers, their leader Primus sacrifices himself so that his people can live, powered by a super fuel called Energon. The big guy in charge, Primus, totally sacrifices himself so all the Transformers can live their best lives using Energon, some kind of super fuel. Everything’s going awesome until these nasty dudes called Quintessons show up and start trouble. They pretty much take down most of the top warrior robots except for Sentinel Prime...

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Despicable Me 4

So, picture this: Gru pops by his high school reunion at the notorious Licée Pas Bon—the go-to place for baddies. He runs into an old frenemy, Maxime Le Mal, who’s still sour over some long-ago prank. Things boil over; cops storm in and bust Maxime...

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The Wild Robot

Picture this: a robot just falls from the sky onto some cool basalt columns by the sea. Then, thanks to some curious local animals, it turns on. This bot is all about helping out, so it tries to befriend these critters by picking up their language...

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